
Friday, January 13, 2012

Frame your Wedding Memories

I framed this drawing along with the wedding invite and other memorabilia from the couple's special day.

I made some special corner cuts and inlayed the blue mat which was the accent color used in the wedding party.

The frame is a cherry veneer which coordinated with the artwork and the home decor.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pets are family too!

Over the holidays I made 25 special cut out mats for my pet sitter so she could give them to her customers for gifts. 

I used different color matting and different cut outs in the mats depending on the animal.

If there is a design you have in mind give me a call and I will work up a price. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Framing Needlework

My customers work hard and they take pride in creating their needlework.   They are truly a work of art.   I enjoy framing the heirlooms using museum glass so there is not any distortion and the piece can be viewed clearly.